Bot of legends divine prediction
Bot of legends divine prediction

Zelda went to confront the Ganon on her own and managed to seal it once more, though this required her to also become its prisoner to maintain the seal. With its strongest weapons turned against it, Hyrule was laid to ruin and Link grievously wounded, requiring him to sleep in the Shrine of Resurrection for 100 years. Even the Divine Beasts, with their pilots slain, fell under the control of incarnations of Ganon's Malice known as the Blight Ganons. In a move unanticipated by the Royal Family of Hyrule, Calamity Ganon managed to corrupt the entire Guardian army with his Malice and turned them against the Hyrulians. Minutes after she had finished praying at the Spring of Wisdom, Ganon broke the seal that kept him dormant in Hyrule Castle and rose up around it. Zelda was determined to awaken her power and prayed at the three springs of the goddess Hylia in Hyrule, but her efforts were met with failure. Meanwhile, Princess Zelda worked to awaken her sealing powers alongside a young knight, Link, who had been appointed as her protector. Four Champions from each of Hyrule's races were chosen to pilot the Divine Beast of their people and the restoration of the mechanical army seemed to be a phenomenal success. Hoping to prepare in the same fashion as their ancestors, the Hyrulians began working to locate and excavate the Divine Beasts and Guardians. One hundred years prior to the events of Breath of the Wild, a prophecy warned of the return of Ganon. With this collaboration between the Sheikah and the Hylians, Ganon was sealed beneath Hyrule Castle where he laid dormant for many millennia. Four massive mobile fortresses known as Divine Beasts served as the centerpieces of this army. In preparation for this, the Sheikah built a massive army of mechanical weapons called Guardians to aid the unnamed hero and princess. Ten thousand years before the events of Breath of the Wild, he appeared to ravage the world, in an event known as the Great Calamity. They’ve proven that they have the clutch factor and were able to take DWG KIA to game 5 back at MSI, but it’s yet to be seen if they can take up the banner of EU at Worlds that G2 once carried.Calamity Ganon is known as a primal evil that has appeared throughout Hyrule's history. If not, MAD’s mid/jungle duo can take on the best in the world. The same could happen again, especially if Elyoya cracks under the pressure. They do lack international experience, which we saw dismantle them last Worlds. There are a number of very strong LPL and LCK teams that few would be surprised to see win, but I believe MAD Lions, of all the Western teams, has the best chance of stealing the title. If their botlane (the best in the world) is able to do what they do best, EDG can take it all. They’re able to perform when the pressure is on, a crucial skill for international performance. They put out consistent performances throughout the Summer Split and convincingly won finals against FPX, who most favored going in. The LPL curse is real, folks, but this tournament favorite is the least likely to tank out of group stage like so many LPL representatives before it. In a region sending four teams that could all feasibly take home the trophy, EDG has shown itself to be the most consistent.

Bot of legends divine prediction